Celebrating the 100th anniversary of OHBA CO., LTD.Celebrating the 100th anniversary of OHBA CO., LTD.

OHBA 100th ANNIVERSARY 1922-2022

Company Philosophy Sincerity Positivity Harmony Since our foundation, we have adopted the three spirits 
into our company philosophy that have served as 
the foundation for all our actions in overcoming many difficulties 
and as the driving force for our business development.Company Philosophy Sincerity Positivity Harmony Since our foundation, we have adopted the three spirits 
into our company philosophy that have served as 
the foundation for all our actions in overcoming many difficulties 
and as the driving force for our business development.

our 100th anniversary

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the many people
who have supported our company over the years.

第7代 代表取締役社長 辻本 茂第7代 代表取締役社長 辻本 茂

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